10 Effects Of Air Pollution On Kids And Young People

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Air Pollution
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  • Post last modified:January 12, 2021

Inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. But there is much more to this concept now. It consists of air pollutants which are harmful for our health. Ozone, particulate matter, Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and lead constitute air pollutants. These have some serious effects on children and young people. Here is the list.

  1. Mortality:

    Air pollution is linked to infant death. Post neonatal death has been associated with particulate matter. Children younger than five years of age are susceptible to sudden infant death syndrome due to respiratory causes.


  1. Respiratory problems:

    Children with asthmatic and non-asthmatic conditions suffer the problem of acute and chronic respiratory disorders. All these have been linked to air pollution.


  1. Birth defects:

    Exposure to carbon monoxide during prenatal stage can cause cardio ventricular septal defects. This may lead to serious birth disorders.


  1. Heart disease:

    Exposure to ozone can lead to serious heart conditions in kids. It has been observed that children when exposed to ozone suffer aortic and pulmonary artery and valve defects.


  1. Alteration in immune system:

    Immune system is very important because it fights against the external invasion of microorganisms in the body. Air pollutants can cause alteration in the immune system of children.


  1. Deficiency of vitamin D:

    Exposure to higher levels of air pollution can cause deficiency of vitamin D in children. This condition is termed as rickets.


  1. Reduced brain development:

    Air pollutants consists of lead particles which are inhaled by kids and young children. This affects the cognitive ability. It reduces learning abilities and hyperactivity.


  1. Lung disorders:

    Children when exposed to higher levels of air pollution have risk of reduced lung development. Also, lung capacity could be affected for life long.


  1. Childhood leukemia:

    Exposure to benzene and nitrogen dioxide has been linked to childhood leukemia. Children suffer acute myeloid leukemia when inhale higher levels of these air pollutants.


  1. Increased risk of pneumonia:

    Air pollution increases the risk of pneumonia. It impairs the function of pulmonary alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells.


Image by Robert Pastryk from Pixabay

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